All Animals Are Equal Peter Singer Conclusion . All animals are equal by peter singer ira. To make his case he must overcome claims towards speciesim.
Each section/response is preceded by the paragraph of the paper it is referring to. To treat human suffering as mattering more than nonhuman suffering is speciesist. Most modern humans are speciesist, as shown by various common practices involving eating, raising, and experimenting on animals.
This post began as a response to a comment a friend left on my last post, “caught in the line of fire”, but once i started i got carried away.included in my friend’s comment was a link to the article “all animals are equal” by the philosopher peter singer, which was an interesting read that appealed strongly to the humanitarian in me, and i would recommend taking a look at it.
All animals are equal1 by peter singer in recent years a number of oppressed groups have campaigned vigorously for equality. Experiment analogy argument conclusion animals & human infant (orphan) = no different on sensitive to pain but, the scientists always use animals for the experiment racism & sexism We should extend to other species the basic principle of equality that most of us recognize should be extended to all members of our own species (1). It is somewhat ironic, then, that peter singer uses utilitarianism as the basis for arguing that animals have rights.