Desert Animals Names And Pictures . Despite the arid environment, the desert exhibits a great range of geographic and seasonal variations across its vast area. Special bodies for special circumstances help keep creatures like the camel and the meerkat alive and well in habitats and conditions that seem inhospitable.

Giraffes, mountain lions, zebras, and cheetahs are just a few of the incredible animals that take you from africa to north america. Desert biomes are characterized by the presence of animals and plants which need minimal moisture for their survival. But unfortunately many other animals remain unknown to the humans.
They were listed as near threatened in 2002, but by 2016 they were moved to least concern.
There are also semideserts, which are desert like, but get more rain (up to 16 inches per year). Desert plants names and pictures. Pictures of desert palms gracing beaches are classic images of tropical beaches. The leaves of many desert plants have adapted to become spines.spines don’t lose water as readily as normal leaves, and also protect the plant (and its.